Weihnachten - Natale - Noël

La direction opérationnelle vous souhaite, ainsi qu’à vos proches, des fêtes de Noël reposantes et vous présente tous ses vœux pour la nouvelle année.
La direction opérationnelle sera fermée entre Noël et Nouvel An. Nous serons à nouveau à votre entière disposition à compter du 6 janvier 2025.
Avec nos salutations les meilleures

L’Amministrazione augura a lei e ai suoi familiari un Sereno Natale e un Felice Anno Nuovo.
L’ufficio amministrativo resterà chiuso tra Natale e Capodanno. Saremo di nuovo a sua completa disposizione a partire dal 6 gennaio 2025.
Cordiali saluti

Esther Hager & Holger Walz

Bahnhofskolloquium IV

Topic: KVG Pricing

Speakers: Dr. Thomas Gisler (CEO, Valucor), Marvin Heierli (Actuarial Assistant, Valucor)

New Year Apéro, offered by Valucor


Alumni Actuarial Science, 6. Reunion

Donnerstag, 6.Februar 2025
Alte Universität, Hörsaal 101,
Rheinsprung 9
4051 Basel

Vortrag und Apéro sind öffentlich, eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.

Sustainability in (Re-)Insurance Conference 2024

The sustainability working group of the Swiss Association of Actuaries and SCOR are excited to announce the Sustainability in (Re-)Insurance Conference 2024 which is taking place on Thursday October 3 2024 at SCOR in Zurich. The event aims at bringing together actuaries to discuss how sustainability impacts (Re-)Insurance and what it means for actuaries. We will have many engaging speakers with interesting sessions on the agenda, covering a variety of diverse sustainability topics from climate risk modelling, emerging sustainability related insurance products to key regulatory developments.

We recorded the event and share it now with you on actuview
